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BASS Autism Services for Adults provide a service to adults with autism spectrum conditions (ASCs) and professionals and carers who support them.

Assess and diagnose people who are referred to us by their GP.
Support colleagues in mental health services to assess and diagnose.
Social support assessments to people who have been diagnosed by our team.
Advice service with groups on mindfulness, managing anxiety, social cognition and interaction, as well as an opportunity to book one to one sessions with our staff.
Post-diagnostic support - psycho-education, coping strategies and signposting.
Training in Asperger syndrome and ASCs ranging from one hour awareness sessions to a full day's training.

We do not hold a caseload or care coordinate. We currently accept referrals for people within Bristol, North Somerset, BANES and South Gloucestershire. Referrals outside of these areas can be seen on a cost per case basis, subject to funding being agreed by the referring clinical commissioning group.

Locations we operate in

Petherton Resource Centre - 01275 796200

Petherton Road, Hengrove, BS14 9BP

- 01275 796249

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Services we Provide


BASS Autism Services for Adults provide a service to adults with autism spectrum conditions (ASCs) and professionals and carers who support them.

There are allocated services for three geographical areas: BASS@Bristol, BASS@Bath and North East Somerset (BANES), and BASS@North Somerset.

The service has been running in Bristol since 2009, and in 2013 the two spoke services in BANES and North Somerset started.

We also have two social workers allocated to South Gloucestershire, and GPs from South Gloucestershire can request specialist funding for assessments for South Gloucestershire individuals.

What we do

What We Do

  • Assess and diagnose people who are referred to us by their GP.
  • Support colleagues in mental health services to assess and diagnose.
  • Social support assessments to people who have been diagnosed by our team.
  • Advice service with groups on mindfulness, managing anxiety, social cognition and interaction, as well as an opportunity to book one to one sessions with our staff.
  • Post-diagnostic support - psycho-education, coping strategies and signposting.
  • Training in Asperger syndrome and ASCs ranging from one hour awareness sessions to a full day's training.

We do not hold a caseload or care coordinate.

Where we do it

Our services are delivered from the Petherton Resource Centre for Bristol, South Glos, BaNES and North Somerset referrals. We also operate from some local outreach centres.

 Information regarding where an individual can access a service will be given at the time of referral and an appointment being booked.

How to access

We currently accept referrals for people within Bristol, North Somerset, BANES and South Gloucestershire.

Referrals should be made via the individuals GP surgery.

For further information and to discuss the option of making a professional referral please contact us:

Telephone: 01275 796200

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